Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 12, 2018

Legends of Tomorrow Returns Thursday – Here’s a Teaser Trailer

Legends of Tomorrow Returns Thursday – Here’s a Teaser Trailer The second season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow debuts this coming Thursday, October 13, and here’s a jam-packed teaser trailer: You’ve likely heard that the Justice Society (including Vixen) will be appearing this season, but so will Albert Einstein, the Queen of France (getting it on with Sara Lance), more Jonah Hex, Damien Darhk (from Arrow), Eobard Thawne (from The Flash), ninjas, zombies, and Supergirl. Looks like a promising ride!

The second season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow debuts this coming Thursday, October 13, and here’s a jam-packed teaser trailer:

You’ve likely heard that the Justice Society (including Vixen) will be appearing this season, but so will Albert Einstein, the Queen of France (getting it on with Sara Lance), more Jonah Hex, Damien Darhk (from Arrow), Eobard Thawne (from The Flash), ninjas, zombies, and Supergirl. Looks like a promising ride!

Link : Legends of Tomorrow Returns Thursday – Here’s a Teaser Trailer

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