Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 11, 2018

Wonder Woman: Commemorative Edition and “What Makes a Wonder Woman”

Wonder Woman: Commemorative Edition and “What Makes a Wonder Woman” I’ve now had a chance to watch the Wonder Woman: Commemorative Edition, which came out earlier this week. I remembered why I didn’t care for the movie, but I liked the new featurette, “What Makes a Wonder Woman”. It’s only ten minutes, compared to the 25 minutes each of the other two carry-over special features, but I’m not sure what more they could have said without going into tricky political topics that wouldn’t fit this promotional item. Commentators on-screen include […]

I’ve now had a chance to watch the Wonder Woman: Commemorative Edition, which came out earlier this week. I remembered why I didn’t care for the movie, but I liked the new featurette, “What Makes a Wonder Woman”.

It’s only ten minutes, compared to the 25 minutes each of the other two carry-over special features, but I’m not sure what more they could have said without going into tricky political topics that wouldn’t fit this promotional item. Commentators on-screen include Phil Jimenez, Lauren Montgomery (director of this animated film), Geoff Johns, Jill Lepore (author of The Secret History of Wonder Woman), Cliff Chiang (artist on the recent comic run), Patty Jenkins (director of the live-action movie coming out this summer), and Gal Godot (embodying the heroine for the movies). Also participating is Pete Marston, son of the character’s creator.

They talk about all the impressive characteristics Wonder Woman embodies — truth, power, justice, equality, peace — which ironically illustrates the problem with the character. Everyone loves what she means, and it’s so important for girls and women that she exists as an inspiration, but just try to find a great story with her that represents those. It’s really hard.

The character’s existence is important, but she has yet to have that breakthrough portrayal. Hopefully the movie coming up will take strides towards that. Phil Jimenez also makes the interesting point that the character, when created, was more progressive than she is now.

I wish they’d selected better art to accompany the discussion at some points. I don’t need to see the bike short/bandeau bra costume ever again, and so many of her covers have shots down her cleavage or feature those stupid silver breast points on the new 52 costume. There are a number of clips included from the upcoming film and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice that make me want to see them.

The more I look at that cover, the more I wonder just what the artist thought Wonder Woman’s top was made of — paint? Fabric, or worse, metal, just doesn’t work like that. (The studio provided a review copy.)

Link : Wonder Woman: Commemorative Edition and “What Makes a Wonder Woman”

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