Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2018

Ladycastle #1

Ladycastle #1 Talk about catching the hottest wave in culture! The four-issue miniseries Ladycastle tags into several current areas of debate, protest, and wishful thinking. As written by Delilah S. Dawson and illustrated by Ashley A. Woods, it’s an adventure fantasy in which almost all the men have disappeared. We open with the famous concept of a princess trapped in a tower. She even sings! She’s a bit snarky, though, with a pet snake and dreams of anarchy. The other women — […]

Talk about catching the hottest wave in culture! The four-issue miniseries Ladycastle tags into several current areas of debate, protest, and wishful thinking. As written by Delilah S. Dawson and illustrated by Ashley A. Woods, it’s an adventure fantasy in which almost all the men have disappeared.

We open with the famous concept of a princess trapped in a tower. She even sings! She’s a bit snarky, though, with a pet snake and dreams of anarchy. The other women — a blacksmith and the princess’ younger sister, who wants to be a knight, among them — have been getting on with daily tasks while the king and all the other men have ridden off to battle.

Sadly, only one knight returns. Sir Riddick is an older man (with an impressively substantial mustache) who brings back word that the entire group was destroyed by a dragon. Worse, because the men were stubborn and greedy, the castle was cursed, doomed to attract monsters until the spell is broken.

Link : Ladycastle #1

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